YES! YES! YES!  Get Acne Treated Early.

Acne is a chronic inflammatory condition in the skin. It often waxes and wanes and can last several years. We have GREAT treatments for acne, and we recommend treating acne early and appropriately for several reasons that are outlined here.

  1. Acne scars the skin permanently.

The deeper cystic and nodular lesions are commonly known to cause scars, but even the smaller (called papules and pustules) also cause scarring. The longer acne lesions are present, the more likely they are to cause scars. Once scaring is present, the cat is out of the bag. Treat acne early to prevent this. While we have better cosmetic treatments available today than in the past to help treat old acne scars (including lasers, chemical peels, etc.), we cannot cure the scars.  These treatments can help but are extremely costly and considered cosmetic by insurance companies (ie, they do not cover them).  It is best to PREVENT the scars in the first place. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure in this case.  Scars are life long and known to have a detrimental effect on people’s mental health and well-being throughout their entire lives.

How common are scars in patients who previously had acne? 95%! 95% of people who had acne in the past have some evidence of scaring. Some obviously much more extensive than others.  This is why we encourage treating acne sooner rather than later.

  1. The earlier treatment is started, the quicker acne will improve. 

It typically takes a good 3 months of consistent use of most acne medications to see their full effect (some medications work quicker than others, however).  The sooner one starts on treatment in the acne disease process, the quicker we see medications take effect and acne improve.

  1. Acne has been proven to negatively impact psychological and social well-being. 

Acne itself is a cause of depression and anxiety. It is an independent risk factor for suicide. Think about – anyone gets self-conscious when something is on their face.  It causes distress at home, work, school, and in social settings.  This is all unnecessary.  Life is hard enough without being compounded by acne.   

  1. Treatment of acne has been proven to reverse psychological issues.

We know acne is associated with lower self-confidence, social anxiety and isolation, and depression. And, most importantly, effective treatment of the acne, REVERSES these issues. I see this in my practice every day. When I first see a patient with acne, especially severe acne, they are often very self-conscious and make minimal eye contact. It is extremely rewarding to see them a few months down the road – their skin is clearing up and they much more confident and happy.  They are standing up straight, more talkative, and making eye contact.  They often say that treating their acne changed their life.  They are no longer embarrassed and ashamed going to school.

I encourage everyone to consider these facts and issues surrounding acne – a disease that affects 85% of teens and many people into adulthood. Acne is not a cleanliness issue, nor is it due solely to diet. It is not a rite of passage to be blown off or ignored. Acne is most often an issue caused by uncontrollable factors, but we have GREAT treatments for it. And, treating acne effectively is often life-changing for people.

Get Acne Treated Early